First demo build presentation

In the second week, we presented our first demo build of the game. 

The objective was to test the painting mechanics and the overall level design of the game. 

We have not given the red enemy a model yet, but take a good look at the player! 

Moving on to the third week, we have made progress, some improvements and fixing based on playtesting and feedback from our lecturer.

We had to work on things such as displaying the animations smoothly, implementation of enemy mechanics and improving the level design.

Here we have Eugene, one of our team members working on shaders for the painting mechanic of the game.

We presented our second demo build of the game. We have improved our painting mechanics and the level design of the game. The player can now apply red and white paint. Red and black enemies can now attack and kill the player. We still have yet to give enemies a proper model and to improve player animations. After the presentation, we gathered to plan for our next milestone.

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